This algorithm was named for Shortest Augmenting Path (SAP).. From an OIer, at about year 2010.
Total of n nodes, m edges.
S is source node means 'source'.
T is sink node means 'target'.
maxsap is the maximum height mark, if h[S]==maxsap means there's no path from S to T.
(Array)h[n] is represented for the height of the Node.
(Array)nh[n] : the count of h, e.g. nh[5]=9 means that there have 9 nodes i was satisfied with h[i]==5;
Time complexity : worst-case O(EV2) (m:Edge n:Vertix)
Array g is a pool to save all of edge, the variable eptr shows that how many resource has been used.
struct Edge {
int to;
long long flow;
Edge *next, *pair;
int eptr=0;
Edge* _addedge(int a, int b, long long f) {
g[eptr].to = b; g[eptr].flow = f;
g[eptr].next = head[a]; head[a] = &g[eptr];
return &g[eptr++];
void addEdge (int a, int b, long long f) {
Edge* t1=_addedge(a,b,f);
Edge* t2=_addedge(b,a,0);
t1->pair=t2; t2->pair=t1;
int S,T,maxsap;
int h[MAXN],nh[MAXN];
p is Node,
low means that how many 'flow' push into this node p.
int sap(int p, int low) {
if (p==T)
return low;
int left=low, hmin=maxsap;
for (Edge *e=head[p]; e; e=e->next) {
if (e->flow>0 && h[p]==h[e->to]+1) {
int tt=sap(e->to, min(e->flow,left));
e->flow-=tt; e->pair->flow+=tt;
if (!left || h[S]==maxsap)
return low-left;
if (e->flow>0 && hmin>h[e->to]+1)
hmin = h[e->to]+1;
if (low==left) {
if (! --nh[h[p]])
++nh[ h[p]=hmin ];
return low-left;
int main() {
for (....)
addEdge(nodeA, nodeB, flowAB);
int ans=0;
while (h[S]<maxsap)
ans += sap(S,INF);